10-DAY CHALLENGE - Chicken Shaped Egg Board // DIY WoodWorking

In this WoodStory, I take on an exciting new project—the Walrus Oil Board 10-Day Challenge! With a tight deadline and strict rules, my creativity is put to the test as I race against time to design, build, and finish a very unique but egg-cellent woodworking project ;) Can I pull it off in just 10 days? Watch as I take this idea from concept to completion and see how it all comes together! Now go grab your tools and lets start this WoodStory!

📧 Send me a photo of your creation: info@standishwoodstory.com


00:30 Backstory about the 10-Day challenge

02:57 Change of plans

03:19 How I Work

03:48 Glue Up begins

04:47 Design considerations

06:33 Carving on my Shapeoko 5 Pro CNC

07:43 Carving Complete

08:54 Drum Sanding

09:15 Routering my mistakes

10:22 Best little sander

12:09 Walrus Oiling My Egg Board

12:57 Final work submitted to the competition



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