Newsletter No.1 - Oct 21, 2023

Standish WoodStory

No. 1 - Oct 21th, 2023 - Standish WoodStory

Hello Fellow Woodworkers!

Here is your weekly dose of what is inspiring me, keeping me busy and all things woodworking. Now, go grab your tools and lets start your WoodStory🪚

My Latest Woodworking Tutorial(Click Image Below)

I discovered that many of my fellow woodworkers were struggling with building these charming wooden Christmas trees for the holiday season. In my latest video, I demonstrate how to create these Christmas trees with just a single angled cut (30 degrees). I also show you how to make a jig that makes assembly incredibly simple.

Quote of the Week

"The woodworker's most important rule: measure twice, cut once, swear quietly, and start over."
*Unknown Author

Video I'm Consuming

Trying to up my game with my laser cutter:)


Should I start adding electronics to my projects?

Podcast I'm Listening To

How I Built This - A biometric smart gun with Kai Kloepfer of Biofire

Interesting approach to reducing gun use/violence by use biometric identification.

And, as always, please give me feedback on how to improve. Which bullet above is your favorite? What do you want more or less of? Other suggestions? Please let me know.

Have a productive and positive weekend,


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